Monday, August 19, 2013

My Plan vs Gods plan

In order to understand this post you will need to read the Post "All about Lizzie."

All summer I have been on interviews and job hunting. I want a teaching job and I thought that I have to have a job this year. I do not want to stay at home! I even said if I did not get a teaching job I would do something else. I applied to pretty much everything and anything I could think of. All I could think of is how will we survive without the income and how I am not cut out to be a stay at home mom (sahm). Well today is the first day of school for everyone and here I am sitting here writing a blog. Yes I have been jealous of my teacher friends but  instead of being angry, jealous, or bitter I just pray they are having a wonderful day. I look around at my messy house, dirty clothes all over the house, a sweet baby sitting in my lap and a three year old boy running crazy! I am so blessed to have these babies and this messy house and all the toys that make this house a mess. The truth is that GOD has a plan for my life and my family's life. Since we are waiting on Lizzie to be referred to a neurologist and not knowing how many doctor visits she will be going too it might be best I am not working because I need to be with her. MY FAMILY COMES FIRST! I need to be with her and making sure she is taken care of. I have also learned I can be a sahm, I can have fun with my babies while not leaving the house going to spend money everyday. God is telling me I need to chill out and that is what I am going to do. Another year subbing at schools, getting my foot in the door, and gaining experience. So while I do not understand the plan and get impatient waiting to figure out my life, I need to learn to just go with it. My plan will work when I let go and allow God's plan to unfold. It is not easy and so frustrating but it is life. I have too much to be thankful for to dwell on the one thing I don't have!

Friday, August 16, 2013


The first four weeks of Lizzie being here was perfect! I had my little family and she is such a good baby. Noah is getting use to her and loving her so much. It melts my heart to see these babies together.
About four weeks old Lizzie started "waking up." She was starting to stay awake longer and very alert. She also started to have seizure like episodes. She would jerk in quick movements, her eyes would roll back in her head, her mouth and chin would make quiver movements. At first I just thought it was baby jerks and it was normal. When people would ask "What is she doing?" I would reply with "I'm not sure just newborn baby things." I thought that is what it was. I would sometimes think that they look like seizures but quickly dismiss the thought because it would not last long. When she was five weeks we went to a wedding for Katie Crooks.
Katelyn Sellers and Lizzie at the wedding! Look at that baby she looks perfect! Well at the wedding many people were holding her and the jerking started. All the "mommy's" told me this was not normal and we needed to take her to the ER. We went to the ER but since it was the weekend and she had stopped having episodes there was not much they could do. We went home and saw the pediatrician on Monday! I love our Pediatrician because he is pretty laid back and doesn't worry about much. I thought he would tell us we were over reacting and she was fine. Well I was totally WRONG!! He was very worried about this and immediately sent us to have an EEG on her brain. The plan was to have an EEG and if the results were normal and she stopped having the seizures. We would rule it as a fluke and go on with life. If Lizzie keeps having them we will need to see a neurologist.

 It took two VERY LONG weeks to get her results back! With lots and lots of prayer the results came back normal! AND she did not have any episodes during that time! On the third week she had another seizure episode. Really! It has been THREE weeks! We went to her two month checkup and I told the doctor. He immediately sent a referral to the neurologist. We are now having to wait for an appointment and that takes along time to get. I HATE waiting! I do feel better waiting for the appointment because the results of the EEG normal. We are logging when she has them and how long it lasts and trying our best to record one. Mom tried to record the one on Wednesday but she forgot to hit the record button. haha
You may ask what might cause the seizures and from what we think they are infant seizures and they are caused from low birth weight, preemies, and cord wrapped around the neck at birth. Lizzie had all the above. They will most likely go away by the time she is one year. There is not history of epilepsy seizures in my family or Craig's (that we know of). As we wait on these next appointments please be in prayer for my precious little family!
Thank you we love you all!  

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Lizzie's Arrival

My last post I was 35 weeks and going everyday for monitoring. Well when I went in on Monday I went through the exam, another ultrasound, and CST. The CST showed that when I had a contraction her heart rate would drop low and break in half. My doctor and her team decided that it would be best to take her out at that point. I was admitted into the hospital and scheduled a csection on Tuesday morning! Tuesday I was 36 weeks. We were very pleased that she held on until 36 weeks.

 Lizzie was born 5 pounds 13 ounces and 18 inches long at 9:19 am. Her temperature dropped and she had to stay under a heating light for an hour or so and she had some difficult breathing but did not have to go into NICU and was perfect for a preemie.

Lizzie's first bath!! She did not cry and still loves her bath today!
 We made it home on Thursday and Noah loves her!
 Proud Big Brother!
 Coming Home!!!

 Lizzie is five weeks old and is still perfect! She eats, spits up, sleeps, and has just began staying awake so we can enjoy our time with her!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Little Lizzie Pregnancy

My last post I was 31 weeks and still on weekly visit to the specialist. At my 33 week visit to the Lizzie had gained two pounds and her blood flow was still good! This was such an answer to our prayers. Since I had a visit with my regular ob the next week, he released me from coming back to him. At my 34 week visit I measured 33 weeks which is still small but average. At my 35 week visit Lizzie was measuring 31 weeks, not good and her movement was low, like it has been, and she was not as reactive. Well this lands me in the hospital for two days! After 24 hours of monitoring and a team of doctors trying to decide what to do they came to the conclusion that Lizzie is border line everything. There is nothing that shows she needs to come out, but at the same time if we leave her in she needs extra attention! She is already getting extra attention and this means we are in BIG TROUBLE!!!!The on call doctor at the hospital that monitored me on today knows nothing about me. He does not know I am married to a coalminer, that I was having a girl, or that my family is red headed. Well he gives me an example about her oxygen compared to a coal miner trapped underground, then proceeds to tell me this kind of behavior comes from red headed girls! (He has a red headed daughter that I guess causes trouble) As of right now we do not have a plan for Lizzie other than lots and lots of prayer. I have a doctor’s appointment on Monday for another non stress test. Please continue praying for us and for the doctors to make the right decisions.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Gender Reveal and Pregnancy

That's right we are having a girl!! Craig was so thrilled to have a little girl. I on the other hand I am so nervous. I am not good at cute and frilly. Elizabeth "Lizzie" Marie Self. Elizabeth was my Meemaw’s name that passed away when Noah was four months old. Marie is my middle name. My mom named me Marie after our pastor’s wife Marie Absher. I know I am naming Lizzie after the two Godliest women I could imagine!

Noah is coming around to the baby sister idea. I do not think he will fully understand until she makes her appearance!

This pregnancy has not been the most ideal pregnancy. At my 28 weeks visit Lizzie was not moving like she should be. I immediately had an ultra sound and was sent to a specialist. The ultrasound tech at the specialist said everything was fine and I could go home. So I leave and as soon as I get in the hallway the doctor chases me out the door and yells "Hey come back! You have to come back next week." Well I am now on weekly visits to the specialist because her movement is low, and she is in the third percentile on the growth chart. So the point of the weekly visits is checking her blood flow and movement to make sure that she is still hanging in there. ALSO, He put me on limited bed rest! That is the hardest part of all of it!!!! I know that I cannot worry about every little thing because it will only stress me, which will stress the baby. It also is not fair to Noah so I am trying my very best to still keep his life going normally. I am 31 weeks now and only because everyone has said so many prayers for our baby girl she is doing great as of now! Please keep us in your prayers.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Big News!!!!

Wow I have not posted since August!!! Well here is probably why.
 I started teaching in a long term sub position in second grade at Pleasant Grove Elementary. I ended that position on Friday and started another in third grade. Finished that on a Friday and started one in Kindergarten on Monday!!! I finished Kindergarten in December and when we started back in January I did too in Fifth grade and will remain there until the end of the year! I am so thankful for all experience and opportunities I have had this year!

Craig is still working at the mines and is working six days a week!!

I do not even know where to start with Noah! Since August Noah is fully potty trained. YAY!!!! He is also so funny and getting so big! He is started talking a lot and repeating everything you say! Best way to tell about Noah is show you Noah....
At the zoo in September

Riding the train to the pumpkin patch in October!
 Seeing Santa at the Beach in November!

Superman shooting with Daddy....

Noah walked in the store saw the little dirt bike, got on the dirt bike then told the salesman "My daddy buy me this motorcycle." The next thing I know the salesman runs off and comes back with c lipbored of paper work! We DID NOT buy the bike...

Captin Underpants in December maybe

 At Uncle RayRays seeing the baby goats in Feb.                
Okay so for the big news!!
In November on our Anniversary I found out I was pregnant! Yes Craig came home from work and I say "Happy Anniversary" and hand him a positive pregnancy test. I go to the doctor and WOW I am like almost nine weeks!!! So we are surprised and shocked and keep going with life! We told the family at Thanksgiving and then at Christmas Andy and Katie tell everyone they are expecting and only a week behind me!! Mom and Dad are soooo happy! Two babies in July (actually three because Noah is in July too). 

Friday, August 3, 2012

New Exciting things in our Life!

I know that I have not posted in about two months and there has been so many wonderful things going on in our life! This is going to be a blog about everything that we have done over the last two months!

I think I will start from Craigs vacation. On Craigs vacation we went to see his famiy in Georgia. Chris, Craig's brother, Jenifer, Chris wife, and Branham, Chris and Jenifer's baby,  moved back to Georgia so the ENTIRE family had a welcome back party for them. We went to Nannie's (Craigs Grandmother) man friend's house. He has swimming pool, four wheelers, and a golf cart. We grilled out not really we grilled out but Uncle Kenneth grilled out.We just ate!!

Also, Alan and Gennie came to the cookout and then came over to Chris's house after! They have a little boy Landon that is six months younger than Noah. Alan and Gen are dear friends that we do not get to see nearly enough!!Alan and Craig are childhood friends, they are the kind of friends that never speak but when they do it is like they talk everyday! These kind of friends are hard to come by and we love them dearly!

While we were in Georgia we went to Stone Mountain to watch the laser light show. Chris and I had to drag Jenifer and Craig along but it was so much fun even in the rain!We stayed in Georgia from Friday to Tuesday, then Chris and Jen came to AL to build our deck! They stayed in Al Wednesday thru Tuesday I think.
Anyway after a week or so of Noah and Branham being together, Noah started talking more and more and saying new words. He also tries to imitate everything Branham does.
Oh and Craig bought a truck on vacation that made the ninth car we have had in four years. There is a reason this is not elaborated on!

After vacation we started getting ready for Noahs birthday! Noah was full blast all the time and I tutored and cleaning the daycare we were pretty much busy all the time.

In June and July we came into contact with Craig's real dad and his wife Marti. They have been very involved with our lives and we have decided to try to get together once a month or so. Craig enjoyed getting to see his dads family that he has not seen since he was a child.

After the weekend with the Philips side of his family it was full blast all about Noah and his party! I was everyday getting ready for family coming and the big party!

This is the tractor we got Noah for his birthday. He LOVED it.....

Construction Site double decker cookie cake! Aunt Kim made the cake and icing while Aunt Jen decorated with oreos. I ordered the cone candles and used Noahs toy tractors!
Chicken bites aka loose gravel!! Hot dogs aka falling logs!!! Cheese puff balls aka Wrecking balls. I am pretty sure Katie and Jenifer decorated the table! This party would not have been the same if it was not for them!!!

Presents Presents Presents!!!! Thank you to all who came and made his party so special!!!

Stay tuned for the next episode of The life as a Self!!!!